Image: Diana CosfordImage: Dee Signature

Dee's Photo Library

To take a look at some of her photographs in "DEE's Library" gallery, click on link to view "

DEE says

"I have, what I term, a 'DEE's Library' folder in which I store countless images for inspirations for paintings.

I always have my camera with me as there's often not the time to sketch and photographs do prompt me… give me an instant recall of colouring, light or shape of something I've seen as an inspiration for one of my paintings.

I have a fascination for the transient moments of light that make scenes or objects so special. Most of my photographs are without Photoshop manipulation because they're taken simply to capture an image that I hope will be close to what I've been privileged to see- the reminder.

Now my photographs are increasingly complete in their own right as well as a stimulus for my canvasses using brushes & paints!

I've found a really good supplier that provides a quality product in a great range of sizes and materials and their website is user-friendly and efficient. It even shows the prospective print on the wall of rooms with furniture so that you can relate the size to something tangible.

As well as that they're lovely people with good values so visit their site if you'd like to take a look at my photos. "